Sweetwater Events Complex
3320 Yellowstone Rd
Rock Springs, WY 82901
The UNOFFICIAL draw is now posted!!
RCH & Cutting conflicts – Nationals is well aware of – but cannot do anything with those until the official position draw is posted once check-in closes.
Important Reminders
- Electrical Pig Tails: Please remember to bring a 50-amp electrical pig tail for your RVs with 30-amp connections.
- Rented Campers: All rented campers should be checked in by July 10th to avoid waiting in check-in lines. RV owners need the Contestant name for parking.
- Water Hoses: Don’t forget to bring a hose for water hookups.
- Fences: Do not remove any fences. A fine of $200 will be charged to the state for any sites with removed fences.
- Camper Parking: Please back up to the back fence. For horse trailers, be sure to remove needed items before backing in as there is limited room for ramp space while leaving roadway access for emergency vehicles.
- Space Size: RV Sites are meant for a single sleeping unit. Toterhomes and additional hauling vehicles must park elsewhere. If you need additional sleeping space, please inquire about adding a dry parking site.
- Dry Camping: Dry camping is plentiful and will be in two separate locations. We will do our best to keep states together for placement.
State Stall Flooring : Asphalt
Camping Contestants and Families:
- Ensure your RV has a 50 Amp plug or bring an adapter (50 amp male to 30 amp female)
- Bring extra sewer hose to ensure that you can reach the sewer hook-up.
- If campsite fencing is removed, a $200 fine will be charged to the State.
Golf cart reservations for Rock Springs open Monday, May 6th. The reservation process is online this year.
The information for reserving your golf cart will be posted on the NHSFR Information page May 6th when the link is active.
To request a permit for personal golf carts, that process is done online this year as well.
** At a minimum, you will be required to show proof of insurance & proof of ownership if you plan to bring your own cart to Rock Springs. A permit authorized by Herc will be the only additional personal carts allowed on grounds.
Please be sure to pass this along to all your contestants & families – Golf Carts are NOT allowed to be driven by Contestants!!! Only parents/guardians over the age of 21 are allowed to drive them.
We have implemented a NO tolerance rule! The intention is not to start pulling back #’s before the rodeo begins! The intention is to help keep everyone safe!
Golf cart security will start at noon on Thursday, July 11th when contestant check in opens.
Herc will rent out the first 550 carts. Once they sell out of their carts, Mile High Cars will take reservations for the next 300 carts.
Mile High Cars will not make available their 300 carts online until AFTER the last state finals have ended – June 16th. This year there are (9) states that have their finals on the last given weekend. Once we know the exact procedure for the 300 additional carts, the information for taking those reservations will be sent via email.
Reservations are taken on a first come first serve basis – please reserve yours in plenty of time to be sure you get one!
ATV’s / Side by Sides / 4-Wheelers / etc are prohibited on grounds – even if they are plated.
NHSRA will not allow any other golf cart vendor carts on grounds except the two that have been secured by NHSRA – even after all 850 carts have been sold.
Information to pass along to your NHSFR Contestants!
Herc Rentals only has a few 2-passenger golf carts left to reserve, which means the 2nd golf cart vendor will have theirs available to rent early next week.
The decision was made to wait to put out the information for the 2nd golf cart vendor, until all the HS State Finals are completed this weekend, giving everyone an equal chance to rent one.
I will be sending out the information to rent from Mile High Golf Carts Monday of next week. The online link will go live on Tuesday, June 18th, 9:00 AM Mountain Time.
Suggestions for Nationals
- Fill out nationals’ paperwork at state finals when qualify
- Both parents will need to sign paperwork at state finals for nationals
- Fees for stalls and camping will be due at state finals for nationals
- Fill out sign-up sheets at state finals after qualify for nationals:
- Contact information is essential for communication
- Volunteer sheet for nationals
- T-shirt size sheet
- Colorado Flags
- You will need coggins, health, and brand papers
- Seniors and 8th graders apply for Scholarships! Transcripts, essay, etc
Helpful items:
If want to rent a golf cart book early online
Non-competitors can purchase a wristband ahead of time and save $ or can pay per performance
Fans for horses and electrical extension cords
Maybe mats for stalls
50/30/110 Electrical adaptors for camping and extras in case it “walks away”
Lock for tack
Fly Spray
Manure fork
Long hose
Rug spikes